Friday, December 10, 2010

It's Friday...

... which means I survived my first week back to work.

Not saying I liked it. This new version of life is way too fast paced for me and my family. I'm thankful that Jordan agrees. There is nothing fun about getting up in the 5 o'clock hour after being up and down all night, trying to get two kids and yourself ready on your own, not getting to eat, having Oreos for breakfast every day, running late, working on mind-numbing projects all day, milking yourself 3x a day, rushing home, nursing a baby ten times because he missed you, trying to cook and eat dinner, wash bottles and fill bottles for the next day, and clean and do bath time and somehow find a minute to play with your kids. Basically, if you are cleaning the cat's litter box before work, while your toddler eats waffles and your baby swings, you are out of time for pretty much everything.

I can't wait until this is over.

Also, I hate clothes. I'm wearing a size 6 now, which fits my butt and hips and thighs, but I'm just too short for a size 6. I'm so uncomfy all the time, because my only other option is maternity pants. My baby is 2 1/2 months old - who wants to wear maternity clothes still???

Thank GOD it's Friday. And donut day. Donuts won't help with the baby weight, but neither are those Oreos.

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo for Fridays! I'm not looking forward to having to go to work once she gets here. My mom was so lucky to be able to stay home with me and my brother. Her first day back to work was my first day in school. In a perfect world I would do the same!

    I'm not looking forward to taking off this baby weight! I think I've gained like 28lbs.. and I still have 4 weeks to go! Yuck! Don't they say tho... it takes 9 months to put it on and 9 months to take it off... hmm we will see. Hope you have an amazing weekend!
