Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell, 2010...

It's the last day of 2010! What a year.

This year was full of ups and downs. We found out in early January that we were expecting our second baby. We had a scare in February where I began cramping and bleeding heavily. We rushed to the hospital only to find out that I had a subchoronic bleed and that the baby was just fine. We consulted with a high-risk OBGYN, and I had surgery to have a cerclage placed in March. We had to cancel our April vacation because I wasn't allowed to travel (and walking around Disney was certainly against the rules!). We bought a new car. We closed on our new house in May, and Jordan got to work on renovations with lots of help from our amazing family and friends. We moved in to our house in June, and celebrated Gavin's second birthday about two weeks later. We spent the summer having cookouts and just relaxing and having fun! We went camping for 4th of July and had a blast - it was our last little getaway as a family of three! In August, I was put on bedrest for a week and started taking anti-contraction medication around the clock. In September, Jordan celebrated his 30th birthday, and our little baby Mason was born - a week LATE after all of those complications! We hosted an awesome Halloween Party, and started a new yearly tradition. Winter has brought about Thanksgiving and Christmas (and thankfully, not too much snow!). We had a blast at Christmas this year. It was the first year that Gavin really understood the concept of Santa, and it was so much fun watching him get excited and really enjoy the day.

All in all, 2010 was an amazing year for our family. We can't wait to see what 2011 brings!

Happy New Year, everyone!

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