Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Big news in Gavin's world!

It's old news around these here parts, since it happened nearly two months ago... but.....


Go Gavin!

Pretty much, one day we all decided he would wear underwear. So we put him in underwear. He had one accident that day and that was IT. Voila! He was daytime trained immediately, even though two hour car rides, day trips out of the house, etc.

Probably two weeks later, he started waking up on his own at night to use the bathroom, or just waking up dry in the morning. So we all picked a day and declared it his "Last Diaper Night." The next night, we put him in underwear and he never wet the bed.

So, that was our diaper "training" saga. We didn't have to do a darn thing! He was just ready and we could not be more proud of our big guy!

Gavin, you are awesome. Great job, buddy!

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