Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mason's 9 Month Update

This is a bit late, but our Masey Man turned 9 months old recently!

It has been a very busy time for our sweet baby boy. He is now crawling all over the place, and pulling up to stand, cruising furniture, etc. He also learned how to climb stairs! Oh man.

He sprouted two new teeth in the past week, which brings him up to 6 - four on the bottom and two on the top.

He is much more content to sit and play these days. He loves to drive cars on the floor, which is the cutest thing ever. If Gavin has a car that he is driving around, Mason will drive whatever he has in his hand, whether it be a fridge magnet, teether, etc. It does not matter.

Mason learned to say "Aye yi yi". (Which I'm sure I spelled wrong.) He also says "Daddy" now.

As far as food goes, we are still on mostly purees and a very specific diet. He is under the care of a GI, and we return for a follow-up on July 27th. I was very optimistic about his eating problems for the past two weeks, but during the last few days, it appears that his problems are coming back. It's so stressful. So far, he has successfully eaten oatmeal and pears. Not much of a diet for a 9 month old. Thank God we are still exclusively nursing!

Mason's 9 month stats:
Weight: 20lb 4oz
Height: 28 inches
Teeth: 6 chompers!

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