Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mason's GI Journey

Argh. I just typed this out and the whole screen vanished! So now, you all are getting the short version, as Mason woke up from his 12 minute nap!

Yesterday we had a consult with the Pediatric GI team at Albany Med. Mason has had tons of issues since we tried to introduce solid foods almost three months ago, so our pediatrician gave us a GI referral to try and get his problems straightened out.

The consult went well and I really like the doctor we are seeing. We are going to follow a strict diet plan this month (no brown sugar!) and fill out a chart to help us track where we are.

There's his chart. Yes, I made it with crayons and construction paper. :)

Our goal is to narrow down what foods cause his problems. I have a feeling it is EVERYTHING because yes, I've tried this before, but our doctor is wondering if maybe he has outgrown some of his intolerances in the last three months and she also needs a jumping off point as to what we have retried and what works and does not. We go back to the GI on July 27th, but I have strict instructions to call immediately if I suspect he is getting constipated again. I think she is going to be a help to us, FINALLY!

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