Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mason's 1/2 Birthday!

Mason celebrated his 1/2 Birthday on March 24th! I cannot believe my little man is six months old. Time is going by much too fast. (And I don't have a picture to share just yet, as our lap top crashed and my mom graciously loaned me hers to use. So pictures to follow!)

This has been a busy time for Mason! He can now sit up on his own, and can even stand up while holding onto something for a minute or two. He grew his first two teeth and started eating solid foods. He said his first word - Dada!

As of his 6 month visit, he is up to 18.5lbs! The doctor thinks his height measurment might have been incorrect at his 4 month check up, and he measured in at 27 3/4 inches. He is wearing 12 month clothing, but can fit into some 18 month things, such as onesies. He is such a big boy!

We love you, Mason! Happy 1/2 Birthday!

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