Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Conversations with Gavin

Gavin is just two months shy of his 3rd birthday. He is the most amazing kid. Every day I realize more and more how lucky I am to be his mom! We have just the best conversations.

The other day we were in the car. We had stopped for ice cream and he found 57 cents in my console, which he put in his pocket. While we were driving back home, he was telling me how he was going to spend his money. It went like this:

"Mama, I'm gonna buy you a new car. And daddy a car. And Masey a car. And I'm gonna buy you a new house, by those trees. I'll get you a zebra in your house, but no scary lions. I'll get you a birdie, but no scary spiders. I'll keep you safe, mama."

This morning, he woke up and was telling me about what happened when Grandma came to visit last night:

"Grandma came over. She brought me a new toy. It makes different shapes. She brought me jelly beans. That make me happy." Hops out of bed, lays on the floor. "I want to think about animals, mama. What do spiders eat? What do lions eat? Do lions eat steak? Lions have sharp teeth. Dolphins no have sharp teeth. Dolphins have round teeth. What do a hippopotumus do?"

Every day he surprises me more and more with what he knows, and I love talking to him.

I love you, Gav! Keep being the amazing kid you are!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So I guess I am a "crunchy" mom, and it works...

... for me. But it seems that everyone has an opinion on what I do with my kids. Even my grandmother will fight me tooth and nail regarding my opinion about carseats.

It's not to say that my choices are "right" in any way. But they are right for me and my family! I think as moms, we all want to be the best we can be. We all make decisions that we feel are right for our kids. Just because someone does it differently, doesn't mean they are wrong. They are just different. And that is what makes the world interesting!

So what makes me "crunchy"?
I'm pro-breastfeeding.
I waited until after 6 months to start solid foods with Mason.
I co-sleep.
I think my baby sling is the greatest invention. EVER. I LOVE IT.
I kept Gavin rear-facing until two years old (before it was advised by the AAP) and plan to do the same with Mason.
I cloth diaper. (Well, most of the time! I'm getting back into it! Mason is in cloth right now.)
I disagree with CIO sleep training for babies, and yes, I get up to soothe Mason every time he wakes... even if it's 6 times or more a night! YAWN.

Those are just my beliefs. And they work for me. I think everyone has the right to do what they want for their kids (within reason, of course - there are plenty of things that we can all agree are BAD). The way that I parent isn't the only way to parent - we are all raising wonderful children just the way we want to!

Mason's 1/2 Birthday!

Mason celebrated his 1/2 Birthday on March 24th! I cannot believe my little man is six months old. Time is going by much too fast. (And I don't have a picture to share just yet, as our lap top crashed and my mom graciously loaned me hers to use. So pictures to follow!)

This has been a busy time for Mason! He can now sit up on his own, and can even stand up while holding onto something for a minute or two. He grew his first two teeth and started eating solid foods. He said his first word - Dada!

As of his 6 month visit, he is up to 18.5lbs! The doctor thinks his height measurment might have been incorrect at his 4 month check up, and he measured in at 27 3/4 inches. He is wearing 12 month clothing, but can fit into some 18 month things, such as onesies. He is such a big boy!

We love you, Mason! Happy 1/2 Birthday!


I haven't blogged in over a month! I am so busy! It's kind of crazy. Between taking care of the boys, doing some freelance work and working two nights a week, I'm a busy woman! But I'm back to post some updates!!!