Monday, November 29, 2010

Deals and Bargains!

So I got a couple of good deals yesterday that I thought I would share.

First, I got a box of 176 diapers for Gavin from Amazon for $21. We aren't potty training yet, and I typically spend $20 for a box of 70 at the grocery store. So, I got an extra 106 diapers for $1 more! Sign up for Amazon Mom, and you get 30% off with a Subscribe and Save purchase. If you have a copy of Novembers PARENTS Magazine, there is a coupon code for an additional 20% off, plus free shipping. Once your diapers arrive, be sure to cancel your subscription! But it's a great way to save a ton of money on diapers. I stocked up for Mason using this very same technique. Now... if only I could get Gavin to use the potty.

Price Chopper has cereal on sale for 4/$6, which is a great deal in and of itself. $1.50 per box is cheap! But I was able to combine this sale with two $1 off two box coupons, so I got four boxes for $4! Score.

Price Chopper also has the men's Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor on sale for $5 this week. In Sunday's paper there was a coupon for $4 off one razor, which brings your price down to only $1 for a razor and extra blade! I wasn't able to find them in the store I went to yesterday, but I plan on ordering a few more of these coupons and stocking up on razors for Jordan. They are normally $9 each! This also might make a good stocking stuffer!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mason is two months old!

So, I should've posted this yesterday, but I didn't get a chance.

Mason is two months old! As of last check (about two weeks ago) he is 14lbs and 23 1/2 inches. He has been laughing and smiling and "talking" for about 3 weeks now. He is very strong and has been able to hold his head up and hold his weight on his legs since he was about two weeks old. At two months, he is still waking up two or three times a night, but it's what I expect. We've enjoyed two wonderful months with him and are looking forward to many more!

Happy Two Month Birthday, Mason Man! We love you!

What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for my wonderful husband. Without him, life as I know it would not exist. We make each other laugh, cry, and scream, but we share this crazy life, and I wouldn't change a thing!

I am thankful for Gavin. The day he was born, my life was changed. He taught me what it means to value someone's life above your own, and to love someone more than you ever imagined possible. I am thankful for every day I get to share with him, laughing and playing and being silly. I am thankful that he is such a wonderful smart little man who can make me laugh and turn my whole day around.

I am thankful for Mason. I am thankful for his chubby cheeks and baby talk and big smiles. I am thankful that I get to hold him close, cuddle him, nurse him, and have him fall asleep on my chest. Mostly I am thankful that he is here, and safe, and healthy. I am thankful for my amazing doctor who helped guide me through a very difficult pregnancy, which ended a week late, but brought me an amazing little boy.

I am thankful for my mom, who has always been an amazing mother and friend to me. I know I can count on her for anything.

I am thankful for my brother and my two sisters. Siblings are friends for life, even if they drive you crazy sometimes. I wouldn't change a thing!

I am thankful for my niece, Ava, who is growing up way too fast. She is such a smart, funny little girl who is so full of life!

I am thankful for my Gram, one of the most amazing women that I know. She is a part of so many wonderful memories that I can't even begin to describe, and I hope she is part of many more!

I am thankful for all of my aunts and uncles, cousins, Mike, Damon - thank you for being part of this crazy, wonderful life!

I am thankful for all of my friends. I am lucky to have a wonderful group of girls that I can share lifes ups and downs with. I am thankful that so many of them are being blessed with new babies this year!

Finally, I am thankful that I have all of life's little (and big!) necessities - a warm home, a comfy bed, and food to eat, just to name a few. I know that some people are not so fortunate. I am truly blessed to have everything that I have in life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Sigh. I am considering a major life change. I hate things that take up my entire thought process. I'm trying to figure out which way to go. I don't want to have any regrets.

Have I mentioned that I hate big decisions? Because I do. I'm a pretty indecisive person.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


So we have this big house, with tons of storage. But it annoys me because it's still as disorganized as our small apartment was. Just now, the disorganization (is that a word?) is spread out over more square footage!

I've had a stack of cloth diapers on my end table for... probably over a month now. Yeah, I'm that mom. I'd wash them, and then throw them back in the basket on the table. They were handy, but completely disorganized, and I had to assemble a diaper every time Mason neeeded to be changed. Finally, I got tired of looking at it and bought one of those three-drawer plastic carts. Now, I have assembled diapers all ready to go - two drawers full of them. And then I have extra inserts and doublers in the bottom drawers. I have to assemble them as soon as they are washed, but it saves time when Mason Man needs a diaper change. Plus, less clutter! And, BONUS - two year old entertainment - Gavin likes to push the cart around the house. Yesterday, he put it in his play room just because he wanted it in there. :)

This morning, I finally got our junk drawers organized. Yes - drawers. Most people have a junk drawer. We had THREE. Now, we are down to two. One is a true junk drawer, with pens, scissors, cell phone chargers, and all the random things that everyone NEEDS but no one knows what to do with. The second junk drawer is more of Jordan's tool drawer now. Hammer, screwdrivers, nails, extra light bulbs, etc. Things we don't want to go to the shed to get when we need them. After I was done, I had a garbage bag full of trash and an empty drawer. SCORE.

My next goal is to get the kitchen cabinets organized. We have a ton of storage, but our cabinets are SO HIGH. There is nothing above the third shelf in any of them, because we can't reach it. So the first step to organizing them will be to buy a small stool that I can store in a lower cabinet. :)

See... this is what I do with my days when I'm home. On top of playing with Gavin, changing a million diapers, building towers and zoos and reading books and nursing a baby 8 million times. Moms are super heros.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

So I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while now, but always hesitated. Fact is, I don't think our lives are all that interesting! :) But it will be nice to have a record of the day-to-day happenings in our little corner of the world. And, if someone out there is taking the time to read this, we can't be TOO boring, right?

So, this is our story. Welcome to it!