Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Pain

This is purely to complain.

I woke up this morning with the worst pain in my hips. It hurts to carry Mason and walk, which is unfortunate because Mason wants to be carried ALL. THE. TIME.

Then, it spread to my pelvis, so now it's a more generalized pain, though my hips still hurt.

And now, it's spreading to my lower back.

Did I fall down the stairs in my sleep or something? Yikes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Okay, so this is a lame post but I have to complain a bit.

I love my new phone, but I HATE AUTOCORRECT! Examples below:

"Mason" always autocorrects to Nazi, or Madonna. What? So if you ever see a facebook status from me saying that Nazi won't nap, or Madonna keeps puking on me, just know that it is, in fact, my little Mason Man I am referring to.

I was emailing a friend the other day and I said how I was never into workout DVDs. Except "DVDs" autocorrected to "screaming". So I told her I wasn't into "workout screaming". Isn't that how Mason got here? HAHA, nevermind!

And I think this is the funniest autocorrect error. I had the below conversation with my mom via text message:

Me: My husband is such an ass sometimes!
Mom: Why?
Me: He is just such a hero.
Mom: What? An ass and a hero?
Me: Jerk. I meant Jerk. Stupid autocorrect.

Yes, autocrrect will turn your jerky husband into a hero!

So there is my silly vent.

Oh, and regarding my below blog post... turns out it isn't my belly that is my body issue. It is my lumpy butt and thighs! GROSS! So I decided that, if I go swimming in Florida, I'm wearing the bikini I wore while pregnant. I have worse things to hide than my belly, and the boyshorts cover most of my disgusting butt.