Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mason's Four Month Birthday!

My baby boy turned four months old on Monday! Where is the time going? He had his four month well baby visit and he is doing great! He is above the 90% for both weight and height - he is a big boy! He is teething (and drooling!) like crazy and is very close to rolling in both directions. He is still no where near sleeping through the night. In fact, he does quite the opposite at this point in his life! We have not started solid foods yet. He is still nursing every 2 hours or so.

Mason's 4 month stats:

Weight: 16lbs, 15oz
Height: 26.75 inches
No teeth yet, but they are coming!

We love you Mason!

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Beginning of the End...

Today is the first day of my last week of work! EEK. I'm excited and nervous and anxious. It's going to be a good change - a new chapter of life.

Also, Jordan got some great news about work today! He is accepting a new position that opens up amazing opportunities for him. I am so proud of him for taking the initiative and taking on this new job. And I'm very excited at the prospect of traveling with him on some of his business trips!

2011 is looking like a very big year for our family.